- Estimated age of our world is 4.6 billion years.
- Our world has 29.1% of land area and 70.9% of water area.
- 97% of water is salt and only 3% of water is fresh.
- There are seven continents in the world.
- As per their size the descending order of these seven continents is – Asia, Africa , North America , South America , Antarctica, Europe and Australia.
- As per the population the descending order of these continents is Asia, Africa , Europe, North America, South America , Australia and Antarctica.
- The nos. of countries these continents containing are Africa (53), Europe ( 46) , Asia ( 44) , North America (23) , Oceania (14) and South America ( 12).
- Russia is the biggest country in terms of land size followed by Canada, China, USA, Brazil , Australia , India and Argentina.
- Vatican city is the smallest country in the world who has only the area of 0.44 Sq. Km. followed by Monaco with 1.95 Sq. Km.
- Luxembourg is the richest country in the world who has GNP as $ 45,360 followed by Switzerland.
- Mozambique is the poorest country in the world having GNP as $80.
- China shares its land border with 14 countries.
- There are five ocean in the world as Pacific , Atlantic , Indian, Southern and Arctic.
- Mariana trench in Pacific ocean is the deepest point on earth as 35,827 feet.
3 days ago
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