- Earth Circumference at the equator is 40075 Km.
- Earth’s chemical composition is mainly : 34.6 % Iron, 29.5% Oxygen, 15.2% Silicon , 12.7% Magnesium , 2.4 % Nickel, 1.9% Sulphur and 0.05% Titanium
- Ratio of Water and land on earth is 70.8% and 29.2%.
- Earth atmosphere is mainly consist of 77% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and traces of Argon, Carbon di oxide and water.
- Earth revolve around sun in 365.2425 days.
- Deepest point on earth is Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench which is at Western Pacific Ocean ( 10924 Mtr)
- Highest mountain on earth is Mount Everest which is of 8848 Mtr.
- Highest temperature recorded in earth is at Al Azizivah, Libya which is 57.7°C).
- Asia Continent is covered 30% of the total earth land area, but represent 60% of the world’s population.
- About one-third surface of the Earth’s land is desert
- There are 195 countries in the world today including Taiwan.
- Out of 195 , 192 are the members of United Nations.
- The newest country is Kosovo which became a country in Fen,2008 after splitting from Serbia.
प्रवाही जीवन
1 week ago
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